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Five common misconceptions about buying life insurance

My Group Insurance is Sufficient

First things first, relying solely on your employer’s group insurance might leave your family exposed in the unfortunate event of your demise. The coverage provided is often inadequate, and it vanishes the moment you part ways with your employer. With job security becoming a rarity, waiting until termination to convert to personal insurance isn't ideal. Plus, acquiring new personal insurance as you age can be pricey. A savvy insurance advisor can guide you in aligning group and personal insurance, ensuring your family's well-being and future plans remain secure.

life insurance

I Already Have Ample Coverage

It's a common pitfall—underestimating the amount needed to safeguard your family financially post your passing. Standard rules of thumb, like multiplying income by ten, often fall short. Dive into our previous article, "Life Insurance and Financial Protection," for insights on determining the optimal coverage for your family's needs.

Term Insurance Offers the Least Expensive Coverage

Term insurance, popular among the youth, boasts lower premiums. It shields you financially for a predetermined period, ideal for parents supporting their children for 5, 10, or 20 years. Despite its advantages, be cautious; once the coverage period ends, premiums spike. While term insurance has its place, relying solely on it for long-term coverage may not be financially prudent. Explore more about choosing the right insurance in "The SMART TALK Series" video.

I Took Out a Policy, My Work is Done

Buying life insurance is monumental, but it doesn't end there. Periodically review your policy—every three years, in fact. Life changes, and so should your coverage. Ensure beneficiaries are up-to-date; a deceased or separated spouse may need a change. Opt for a life insurance policy adaptable to life's shifts. For in-depth insights, check our article on EquiBuild.

I Have Plenty of Time to Buy Life Insurance

Delaying life insurance can be a costly error. Your age, health, lifestyle, and premiums share a crucial connection. The younger and healthier you are, the lower your premiums. In the video "The SMART TALK Series: Insurance," discover the lifelong insurance needs you're likely to face. Establishing an affordable, flexible plan from a young age protects you in life's adventures.


Dispelling these misconceptions is pivotal for making informed decisions about life insurance. It's not just a financial safety net; it's a dynamic plan that evolves with your life. Take charge early, reassess periodically, and tailor your coverage for lasting protection.


When should I review my life insurance policy?

Regularly check your policy every three years, especially after major life changes.

Is group insurance enough for my family's security?

Unfortunately, no. Group insurance often falls short, and relying solely on it may leave your family vulnerable.

Why is waiting to buy life insurance a costly mistake?

Age, health, and lifestyle impact premiums; waiting may result in higher costs and limited coverage options.

Can I rely solely on term insurance for long-term coverage?

While term insurance has benefits, depending solely on it for long-term coverage may not be financially wise.

Why is it crucial to adapt my life insurance policy?

Life changes, and so do your needs. Adaptable policies ensure your coverage aligns with your current and future circumstances.

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